Check these insightful details about dental implants in Cotswold

dental implants in Cotswold

If you have lost many or most of your teeth to decay, injuries, or cavities, you may be interested in finding a better way to replace missing teeth than dentures. Traditional dentures continue to remain popular, but there are a few concerns, such as prosthetic teeth moving inside the mouth or slipping while talking. Dental implants offer a permanent solution for patients of all ages. Of course, the treatment takes longer than getting dentures, and in this post, we have shared a few insightful details about dental implants Cotswold NC.

Essential aspects of dental implants

Many patients confuse dental implants with replacement teeth. An implant is only the replacement tooth root. It goes inside or over the jawbone, and the prosthetic tooth is attached to the post using an abutment or connector. It is possible to replace an entire arch of missing teeth with just four implants. Once inside the jawbone, dental implants can last a lifetime and offer many benefits. Firstly, it prevents further bone loss, which is a side effect of tooth loss. An implant also prevents other remaining teeth from shifting. 

How does the procedure work?

When you visit your dentist for dental implants, they will start with a detailed clinical examination. They will also order X-rays, 3D images, and scans to determine whether you have a healthy jawbone and gums to hold the posts. If required, they may suggest additional treatments, such as bone grafting. When pretreatments are not necessary, the dentist will proceed with the surgery. During the second appointment, the dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the site. If the patient has dental anxiety, they may recommend sedation. The next step is to make an incision in the gums to access the jawbone. If the dentist is using endosteal implants, they will drill it in the jawbone. 

If your dentist closes the implant inside the gums using stitches, you will have to return for a second appointment, where they will use local anesthesia and attach the abutment to the implant post. The prosthetic tooth will be then ordered from a lab, and once it is ready, you will have to return to the clinic. 

What are the different types of implant-supported restorations?

When a patient is getting one implant for a single missing tooth, they will usually get a crown that’s attached to the abutment. If there are more than two missing teeth in a row, the dentist may use two implant posts with an implant-supported bridge. There are also implant-supported dentures, which look the same as regular dentures except that these are fixed to the posts. Your dentist will discuss what is best for your needs. 

Does dental implant surgery hurt?

No, you will not feel pain during implant surgery. As the anesthesia effects wear off, there may be some discomfort, but your dentist will suggest pain relievers to address these issues. 

Essential facts about dental implants

Getting replacement teeth with dental implants can be time-consuming. The jawbone must heal and secure the implant posts, and this process called osseointegration can take anywhere between three to six months. Also, pretreatments can add to the treatment timeline While there is no age limit for getting dental implants, patients who are heavy smokers or have lost significant bone mass may not qualify for the procedure. Only when your dentist has done a complete exam and imaging tests can they tell you whether this is a choice for you. The cost of the overall treatment is much higher than standard dentures. 

Select a top-rated dental clinic in Cotswold and schedule an appointment with an experienced dentist to learn more about dental implants. 

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