Important Information About Metabolism

Information About Metabolism

Being able to breathe oxygen is common knowledge but few people are aware of metabolism, the complex procedure that goes on inside your body without any disruptions. It becomes essential to check out all related information about metabolism at certain times especially when being plagued with hormonal issues. Sure, you may go through a school-level textbook to get an idea about the process but metabolism is sure to be described in great detail in other advanced books and research study materials.

Information About Metabolism: What Do You Need to Know?

It suffices to know that metabolism is a complex procedure that occurs constantly. The food you consume is converted to energy to fuel various bodily functions irrespective of whether you are active or at rest. It is further interesting to learn that the calories from food combine with oxygen and release energy that is used by your body

The functions that are done with the aid of the released energy include: –

  • Breathing
  • Circulation of blood
  • Digestion food
  • Growth and repair of cells
  • Maintaining hormone balance
  • Regulation of body temperature

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

BMR is an acronym that gets bandied about a lot. You will be excited to know that it refers to the minimum number of calories that is necessary to function when you are at rest. This quantity varies from individual to individual, however. Your body consumes 60% to 70% of energy as BMR. The remaining energy is used to power your physical activities.

Metabolism & Weight

Yes! Metabolism gets a bad rap and is often held responsible for weight gain. It is important to understand that your body will adjust the metabolism as required to ensure your bodily needs. So, you cannot simply blame your metabolism for any weight change. However, rapid burning of calories may result in weight loss

Your metabolic rate will rarely be static. It is likely to alter in response to several factors such as:-

  • Age– You tend to become flabby and lose muscle mass as you get older. Such a condition will result in burning fewer calories courtesy of a slow metabolism.
  • Gender– A comparatively larger body and less body fat endows the males with a rapid metabolism rate.
  • Muscle Mass– You will require more energy to build muscle mass. The large quantity of muscle mass ensures a faster metabolic rate and a leaner physique.
  • Genes– The genes that you inherit have a major role to play in your metabolism. The speed of metabolism depends on your genes to a degree.
  • Activity– As stated before, some of the released energy is used to fuel the physical activities you indulge in. You are thus able to lose weight by burning more calories as you run, swim, cycle, or even walk at a steady pace.

It is most important to have the right information about metabolism to ensure remaining healthy and physically fit. Be sure to visit a medical professional when you feel extremely fatigued or are scared about weight loss or gain that you cannot explain.

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